
D I S C L A I M E R – This post is emotional, so it may be a little scattered and hard to follow. Apologies in advance.

First, I have to say it is has been a roller coaster of an 18 months. We took this little blog a lot further than we even expected. When we dreamed up our little idea for Come & Texas we had big hopes. Great big Texas-sized hopes and dreams of helping Texans support Texans. We just wanted everyone to know just how damn great everyone is. Maybe get all you Texans to spend a little more of your money locally and connect with some great shops that you might not have otherwise seen, and get some really, REALLY fabulous local shops a sale from a customer that may not have found the shop on their own.

Before we jump right into it – we need to back track.

Last fall, we were super fortunate enough that we had some opportunities arise in our “real lives” that would really benefit our family. Potentially, even getting us to the point to allow us to grow our little family beyond just us two (and our three sweet mutts). Naturally, we jumped at the chance. How could we not? We found out the end of September that it was a go. Two weeks later we had lucked into finding a new place, signed all the paperwork, packed up our life, and made the two hour trek across the metroplex to begin this new chapter.

Since our move, and jumping into our new normal – it has been hard just to keep up with the blog up until this point. We have stayed up into all hours of the night writing, cancelled plans with friends, driven ourselves (and each other) crazy brainstorming new post ideas, new “installments”, losing sleep researching, and spending hours upon hours looking for new shops. To be honest, I really, really enjoyed it for a good long while. I felt like I could do it all. But lately, trying to keep all things afloat is slowly sucking all of my energy and draining any reserves I may have had. Along with introducing me to my new least favorite thing: cluster headaches.

As soon as the resentment started to sink in and we finally admitted it to not only ourselves, but to each other we knew it was time to make some decisions. We have been back and forth, back and forth, warring and brainstorming trying to work out how to balance our jobs, the blog, our time together, and trying to start a family. We were coming up with new schedules, talking about having guest bloggers, social media takeovers, even going so far as thinking about hiring help….but we just couldn’t see a feasible way to make it work.

So after many, MANY tears (on my part), deep conversations, coming to terms with the fact that I wasn’t a total failure if I let it go, and lots of soul-searching and prioritizing we decided it was time to let some things go. So with a very, very heavy heart and tears in my eyes…

We decided it is time to close our proverbial doors.

For now at least.

Never say never, right?

We really, truly with our heart of hearts, hate to say good bye to all of you amazing people not because we think y’all will miss us, but because we will be missing y’all. We really, truly love sharing just how damn great Texas and her people are.

Truth be told, I am infinitely more emotional about this than I should be. I know that we weren’t changing the world, we weren’t doing anything special or even proprietary, but dammit, we loved it. It has truly, TRULY been a privilege “meeting” all you great folks that we would never have “met” if it hadn’t been for our little blog. I have come to feel connected to a lot of you wonderful people, even though I have only spoken to majority of you via social media! Which sounds insane, I know. But goddamn, y’all are all really something special.

So a HUGE ASS THANK YOU to all of you wonderful shops that allowed us to share your goods, to let us interview you, to share a little piece of yourselves with us so we could share your bad-assery with our little blog.

To all of you Texans who supported us, inspired us, and found some really great shops that you decided to make purchases from…THANK YOU. Every local purchase to a small shop makes a real big difference.

So a big Texas-sized thank you (I’m not crying! My eyeballs are sweating.) for following us over the last 18 months and allowing us to share our passion with y’all. We hope that you follow our lead and continue to #SHOPLOCAL, #SHOPTEXAS.

Until we meet again.

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